Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022Liked by Seán Patrick Eckmann

This makes me think of the different "dialogues" developing simultaneously in the process as well - between Spiegelman and the collective unconscious, but also between the reader interpreting Spiegelman's visions and stories, and the author's own original experience.

It's tempting to wonder about his fragmented psyche too, in terms of how many conflicting voices he encounters, and how he seems to not reach any conclusion or overall apprehension. If he had had a somewhat more "sorted" interior, would that have maybe been reflected in his active imagination? I'm sort of leaning towards yes. At least if the pattern keeps repeating across several stories.

Either way, it's excellent food for thought and introspection! And maybe that's a part of the collective process too - when it's shared, it stimulates a collective reflection on the unconscious in itself, thereby creating new discoveries and insights.

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I’m definitely curious where it will go! I’m two sections ahead (have completed reading the Arab and the Ronin) and I would say that they are both similar yet different, “rhyming” with the Knight’s.

The Arab’s story focuses on a relationship between two people, and the Ronin’s explores Zen themes. With the Arab’s, I definitely see a bit of what I presume is Spiegelman’s own psyche, but the Robin’s reminds me more of the Buddhist motif of the ox-herding paintings (which I think I shared with you and Charlie once.)

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