Great introduction! Curious to read more. And the idea and behavior of the blue cow seems deeply symbolic on so many levels.

Btw. I wonder how much the differing views of Jung and Freud on the unconscious mind reflects their own specific individual psyches. When Freud looked inwards or downwards, it seems he found quite different things and a different world, compared to Carl Jung.

And last thing - did Jung write any poetry or fiction stories? Once you do, there might quickly be a massive mess of archetypal fragments swirling in one's mind. Which is also a very fascinating experience!

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It's very interesting to think of how much of a given subject's work comes from their personal experiences, or why different symbols, ways of thinking, etc. appeal to each of us. I'm interested to see across the stories of the tree what patterns appear related to the personal vs. collective unconscious.

I wonder, will certain lessons or challenges be approached by many of the guides? And if so, what does that say about Spiegelman's personal psyche? Questions I'm excited to approach!

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Exactly! There seems to often be a certain personal element of the individual psyche that responds to or interprets different symbols and allegories. Pondering the individual vs. the collective aspect is a great source of both general insights and self-insights I think! Excited to see where this journey is going!

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